El Cazador #001

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Značka: CrossGen
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Série: El Cazador
Kategorie: US Comics
Formát: comics / sešit
Jazyk: anglicky

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu


In the opening issue, the ship carrying Spanish noblewoman Donessa Cinzia Elena Marie Esperanza Diego-Luis Hidalgo and others of her family are attacked by a pirate captain named Blackjack Tom. The Donessa is one of the few survivors of the attack. She swears to hunt down Tom and rescue his prisoners. To accomplish this, she renames her ship El Cazador ("The Hunter") and becomes a pirate herself, dubbed "Lady Sin" by her crew.

The remaining issues of the series detail the beginnings of Lady Sin's quest as she forsakes her privileged past for life on the high seas.

Detailní přehled autorů:

Writer(s): Chuck Dixon
Penciller(s): Steve Epting
Inker(s): Steve Epting
Colorist(s): Frank D'Armata
Letterer(s): Dave Lanphear

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: KOMIKSY
Hmotnost: 0.07 kg
Série: El Cazador
Žánr: dobrodružný, historický
Vydavatel: CrossGen
Rok a měsíc vydání: 2003/10
Vazba: sešit / comics
Formát: 170 x 260 mm
Počet stran: 48
Tisk: barevný
Scénář: Chuck Dixon
Kresba: Steve Epting

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